Your favorite essential.
Ideal when you like to pack light, the Racquet Holder 3 Essential is designed to carry your essentials. You can pack up to x3 racquet plus gear into it’s large single compartment. You will certainly notice that we made the inside of your bag completely white to make it even easier to organize and identify what you are looking for. This is not all. We made it white because we also wanted to make things even better for the planet. This bag features our new “color free” lining, which is made of 100% recycled PET and dye free, so we do not waste water uselessly dying our lining anymore.
By the way You also have a front zipped pocket for your smaller items and a comfortable shoulder pad to carry it around.
Hold up to x3 racquet plus gear into it’s large single compartment. You also have a front zipped pocket for your smaller items
Shoulder straps and padding
Our new “colour free” lining is made of 100% recycled polyester (PET) and is made dye-free: we save water by not dying the lining of the bag. The white lining makes it easy to organise and find what you need.